Jon Jones vs. Tom Aspinall kan bli av. Detta menar UFC-kommentatorn Daniel Cormier följande senaste ordkriget. Förolämpningarna förebygger en match, berättar Cormier.
Det verbala ordkrig som förs mellan UFC-tungviktsmästaren Jon ”Bones” Jones (27-1, 1 NC) och interim-mästaren Tom ”Honey Badger” Aspinall (15-3) har eskalerat. De två männen utbyter allt hetsigare förolämpningar sinsemellan.
Senast var Jones ute på sociala medier och påstod att hans könsorgan var väl planterat i munnen på ”Honey Badger”. Osämjan mellan Jones och Aspinall bådar gott för de som vill se en kamp mellan dem. Detta säger den tidigare UFC-mästaren och nu expertkommentatorn Daniel ”DC” Cormier.
Nedan kan du läsa det inlägg om Tom Aspinall som Jon Jones publicerade till Instagram.
This dude literally has my large black cock in his mouth every week. I’m flattered. I absolutely guarantee he will not win more world championships than me. That’s truly all that matters at the end of the day. There’s been many champions, no one like me. I sleep good at night.
Cormier har stora förhoppningar på att Jones och Aspinall kommer mötas i oktogonen. Han ser uppståndelsen av deras hittills ordfokuserade rivalitet som en näst intill garanti för en match.
Business is picking up now, finally. It’s the fight, or at least it feels like the fight. While I thought Tom Aspinall fumbled the post-fight interview with me in Manchester, seems to be frustrated. Honestly, frustration might be good right now.
Because in frustration, you start to really show your true feelings on the situation. Aspinall was very respectful in that interview, but what does respectful get you? It doesn’t really get you all that you want. Now, respect’s out the window with this dude, and he’s just telling it how it is.
Here’s one thing about Jon Jones; and this can be from me because I’m a person that lived it with him. The thing about Jon Jones, he doesn’t like disrespect. He can’t ignore when you take shots at him. and that’s why it was very easy to get under his skin. We as fighters don’t like being disrespected, especially one who has had as much success as Jon Jones has had.
At the end of the day, Jon Jones is a champion and he’s a competitor. Things are picking up at heavyweight, I think we’re closer to Jon Jones vs. Tom Aspinall today than we’ve ever been. in beef, disrespect is always what gets you closer to fighting him. Tom Aspinall is being disrespectful now, and I think that’s going to work to his advantage in terms of getting this fight.