Daniel Cormier: Sean O’Malley vill frustrera Merab Dvalishvili

Författare: Anton McGregor

Publicerad: 2024-08-28 11:30

Under UFC 306 i september kommer UFC-bantamviktsmästaren Sean O’Malley att möta Merab Dvalishvili om bältet. Inför kampen planerar O’Malley att frustrera sin motståndare. Detta menar UFC-kommentatorn Daniel Cormier, som analyserat O’Malleys ord.

O’Malleys ”mind games”

UFC-kommentatorn och tidigare dubbelmästaren Daniel ”DC” Cormier har analyserat bantamviktstitelhållaren ”Sugar” Sean O’Malley (17-1, 1 NC) inför dennes kamp med Merab ”The Machine” Dvalishvili (17-4).

De två möts i oktogonen under UFC 306, vilken äger rum nu nästkommande månad. Enligt Cormier försöker O’Malley att reta upp Dvalishvili. Detta skall i sin tur förbättra ”Sugar Sean”s chanser att vinna titelmatcher, förklarar DC.

Irriterar sin motståndare

Nyligen uttalade sig Daniel Cormier om den uppkommande bantamviktstitelmatchen mellan Sean O’Malley och Merab Dvalishvili. Cormiers focus ligger främst på O’Malley och hans förmåga att reta upp andra fajters med sina ord.

DC tror att det här är en taktik från O’Malley. Tanken är att hans motståndare skall bli så irriterade att de kastar ut sina matchplaner och låter sig slåss med ilska i kampen. Det här är något som O’Malley senare kommer kunna att utnyttja till sin fördel, menar Cormier.

This young man has managed to not only become a champion but to become a star. And part of it is the ‘I don’t really care’ type of attitude. You see it in his fights. But when you talk about him and Merab, when he’s saying he’s going to knock him out very early.

When looking into the details of the fight, there can be some opportunities for that to happen. Because do you remember when Merab fought Marlon Moraes? He was hurt very badly, very early, and he was able to recover. Sean O’Malley sees that, and goes ‘There’s no way that you survive what I hit you with, if you allow me to hit you in that way.

The way it comes off to the opponent, probably would feel disrespectful. Merab Dvalishvili is probably sitting there pissed off, because we’ve seen him. We’ve seen Merab and we’ve seen Merab in normal interactions and disrespect, is not something he takes kindly to. He doesn’t like that. So when O’Malley says things like that, I’m pretty sure he’s stewing.

But he also has to recognize that these are the games that guys that understand fighting, that want to play the mind game with you, that really are like Sean O’Malley or Conor McGregor. Them being able to frustrate you is a win for them. Because if you get frustrated, and you start to make a mistake, especially with the way you fight naturally, you may find yourself in some real issues.