Michael Chandler planerar hård strid med Paddy Pimblett

Författare: Anton McGregor

Publicerad: 2025-02-25 17:23

UFC-lättviktaren Michael Chandler hoppas på att hans kamp med Paddy Pimblett blir ett krig. Chandler och Pimblett möts i april under UFC 314. Veteranen har som plan att testa alla aspekter av Pimbletts MMA-skicklighet i matchen.

Michael Chandler vill testa Paddy Pimblett

Nu i april kommer Michael ”Iron” Chandler (23-9) att genomföra sin första kamp under 2025. Den 38-årige UFC-lättviktaren möter Englands Paddy ”The Baddy” Pimblett (22-3) under UFC 314 i Miami, Florida. Chandler, som kommer in i kampen med två förluster i ryggen, planerar att slänga allt han har mot Pimblett i deras match.

En tuff kamp väntar

I en intervju med MMA-journalisten Ariel Helwani diskuterar Michael Chandler sin uppkommande kamp med Paddy Pimblett. Chandler förklarar att han kommer testa sin motståndare i allt från kondition till slagtålighet.

We will see, we will test his chin. We’ll test his gall, we’ll test his championship mentality, we’ll test his cardio, and we will test his heart. Paddy Pimblett will be tested more than he has ever been tested in his entire life in April, just 7 short weeks away. It’s the biggest opportunity of his life. Does he rise to the occasion or does he sink? It remains to be seen.

Either way, as I’ve said, I’ve been very respectful, cordial, posted the video of me wearing the Paddy Pimblett hair. This sport is fun for me, I’m going to enjoy it. We are going to have fun, I don’t need to hate Paddy Pimblett to want to separate him from consciousnesses. I don’t need to have any animosity to absolutely eviscerate this man.

Vidare diskuterar Chandler läget med stjärnan ”Notorious” Conor McGregor (22-6). De två har tidigare varit planerade att möta varandra i oktogonen. Det är dock en match som ännu inte blivit av. Enligt Chandler, har hans förhoppningar på en McGregor-match sinat bort med tiden.

Conor is always a part of my conversations with the UFC man. His road back to the UFC goes through me. That is the UFC’s sentiment, and I believe that’s his sentiment. My heart of hearts says Conor is coming back at some point. But, if I’m a betting man, if I’m using my brain, I wouldn’t put money on it.

But that’s where I’m at today, right now, I’m focused on a blonde dude from Liverpool. So, my heart of hearts says I’m not sure, for sure. He has to come back to his first love. Every single thing that he has can be tied back, in some way or another, to the UFC, the opportunity that they gave him.

Does he want this legacy to be, my last fight I broke my leg and touted the greatest comeback in combat sports history? Fooled everybody for a couple of years and then signed on the dotted line to fight Michael Chandler and then pulled out of the fight. But, if I was a betting man, I ain’t putting money on him fighting again.