UFC-veteranen Urijah “The California Kid” Faber (34-10) deltog nyligen i en intervju med submission radio. I intervjun berättade Faber bland annat att trots att han officiellt är pensionerad så tränar han fortfarande hårdare än vissa aktiva fighters och att han fortfarande testas av USADA. I och med detta så förklarar Faber att han alltid är öppen för alla möjligheter.
Look, I spent a lot of time getting really great at fighting and I’m able-bodied and healthy. I train just as much or more than some of the guys that are active but it’s not my goal to come back, necessarily. It’s just the habits that I’ve created in my life. I would say I’m always open to entertain any business opportunity or offer, and I love to do things that I love to do, so I’m not gonna cut anything out. I still get tested from USADA just because I’ve never taken drugs in my life so I don’t really care about that. It’s well worth it. The difference is, if there was a big opportunity and someone wanted you to fight and it sounded like a good idea, I wouldn’t want to wait four months to get cleared when I’m not doing drugs anyway. So I’ll take one for the team on a 6 a.m. wake-up call. I’ve got it down pat anyways. I pretty much sleep through the whole thing aside from when I’m giving the urine sample.
Med detta i åtanke förklarar dock Faber att det i nuläget inte finns någon match som intresserar honom.
I don’t see any big opportunities but you never know with these guys. Like I said, I’ve gotten some crazy calls throughout the years. . . You never know when that kind of stuff happens.
Faber besegrade Brad Pickett (25-14) i sin sista match, som var i slutet av 2016.