Max Holloway ser Ilia Topurias som en värdig mästare att besegra

Författare: Anton McGregor

Publicerad: 2024-09-18 11:30

UFC-fjäderviktaren Max Holloway berömmer divisionens mästare Ilia Topuria. Holloway förklarar att även om spanjorens väg till titeln kan tyckas enkel, så var Topuria tvungen att vinna mot Alexander Volkanovski, vilket han klarade av.

Max Holloway tar inget från Topurias mästerskap

UFC:s tidigare fjäderviktsmästare Max ”Blessed” Holloway (26-7) kommer snart gå kamp om titeln. Hawaii-sonen möter den regerande titelhållaren Ilia ”El Matador” Topuria (15-0) under UFC 308 i slutet av oktober. Inför den stundande titelkampen, har ”The Blessed Express” givit beröm till Topruia för bedriften som tog honom till fjäderviktsbältet.

“En bra fajter”

Max Holloway har mycket respekt för Topurias kampförmåga inne i oktogonen. Han beskriver den spanska mästaren som en mycket bra fajter och lyfter bland annat fram Topurias snabbhet och slagkraft. Dock är Holloway övertygad om att ”El Matador” kommer få sig sitt livs match när de två möts under UFC 308.

 Bro, I’d be lying to you if I said he wasn’t good. He beat a guy that I had three cracks at Alexander Volkanovski and couldn’t figure out. He went in there one time and won. A lot of guys are going to say, ‘That was a hurt Volkanoski,’ and I understand, but Volk felt like he was good enough to go in there, and Ilia did what he did. He still had to do what he do.

Even when we talk about the road to the title, if we compare our records of his road to the title and my road to the title with strengths of opponents and stuff, like how strong or whatever rank it is, it is what it is. People are gonna say, ‘He had an easier path’, but he still had to win and he still did it, he still won, he still is the champion.

He is a great fighter. You’d be dumb to not think that he is. He’s got power, he’s got speed, but he never fought me yet. That’s the beautiful thing. He thinks he knows something. I see him say he’s going to be the first one to, ‘put me out’ and blah, blah.

If that’s what you need to get yourself to the fight, please keep telling yourself that all the way to October 26. When we get in the octagon, and that cage closes, we get to find out. All this he said, she said stuff, is going to go out the window. We get to find out who’s going to be the champion after that night.