Bo Nickal planerar brottningsorienterad kampstil framöver

Författare: Anton McGregor

Publicerad: 2024-11-29 11:30

UFC-mellanviktaren Bo Nickal har lagt fram sin framtida kampstil i UFC. Den 28-årige amerikanen tänker att brottas med sina motståndare framöver. Nickal, som i dagsläget är obesegrad, har hittills gått fyra matcher i oktogonen.

Bo Nickal vill brottas

UFC:s obesegrade mellanviktare Bo Nickal (7-0) har inte tagit illa vid sig av kritiken från hans senaste kamp i oktogonen. Nickal drabbade samman med Skottlands Paul ”Bearjew” Craig (17-9-1) under UFC 309, en match som han vann via enhälligt beslut. 28-åringen säger sig vara nöjd med det faktum att han valde att stå mitt i oktogonen med Craig genom tre ronder. Framöver tänker han dock implementera mer brottning i sin matchplan, säger han.

Nöjd med senaste kampen

I en intervju nyligen förklarar Bo Nickal att han tycker sig ha presterat bra i matchen med Paul Craig. Han säger att det var en viktig erfarenhet för honom att kunna stå och slåss med en rutinerad fajter genom tre ronder och vinna kampen.

When I look at my performance, there’s definitely a lot of things I could do better. But I’m also really happy with being able to get 15 minutes in the cage. If you look at my total Octagon time before this fight, it’s way less than that. So, I over doubled my experience in the cage, which is something I’m really grateful for.

And it’s something I think is going to pay dividends down the line. My goal has always been to be UFC champion, pound-for-pound number one fighter in the world. So, when I call out guys like Khamzat Chimaev, that’s because I think that he’s really good, and I want to fight the best guys.

Brottning framöver

När det dock kommer till hans framtida kamper, tänker Nickal brottas mer, säger han. Faktum är att han planerar ta ner alla hans framtida motståndare på marken.

I think that this last fight, you know, even though people didn’t love the performance, was a great step in the right direction. I dominated a veteran, a guy who has 26 fights, for three straight rounds just using striking. I didn’t even use my biggest asset. I think people now are saying, ‘Oh, Bo, he can’t wrestle’.

Bro, trust me, I can wrestle. I want to keep dominating. I look at my potential for matchups in the future, and with Paul Craig, his best position’s off his back. So, I didn’t think it was the best situation to put him in his best position, but there’s really no other guys like that.

You can guarantee that every single guy I’m going to be taking them down. There’s a very low chance. I’m not going to say zero because crazy things happen. I could slip on a banana peel or something. Very low chance that they’re taking me down, and if they do, I’m getting up guaranteed.