UFC-welterviktaren Colby Covington kan tänka sig en flytt till organisationens mellanviktsdivision. Enligt Covington skulle det vara häftigt att gå upp som en ”mindre” fajter och besegra mellanviktare. Han nämner även Sean Strickland som potentiell motståndare vid en sådan flytt.
Colby ”Chaos” Covington (17-5) har ett antal förluster i ryggen i UFC:s welterviktsdivision. Det här har fått den snart 37-årige veteranen att börja söka efter nya betesmarker. Ett alternativ som han nu öppnat upp för är att byta viktklass. Det är dock inte ner i vikt som Covington blickar, utan uppåt mot mellanviktsdivisionen.
I en intervju nyligen förklarar Colby Covington hur han finner en flytt till mellanvikt som ett intressant förslag. Han vill kunna kliva in i oktogonen mot betydligt större motståndare och besegra dem, säger han. Covington förutspår även att han skulle vara den snabbare fajtern i mellanvikt, tack vare sin mindre storlek.
Honestly, 185 is intriguing. I think it would be kind of cool to go up there with the narrative like, ‘Oh, this guy’s a small 170. He’s going to go up to 85 and take on an even bigger challenge’. So, there is a possibility. I’m always looking for the biggest and best fights. So, we’ll see. I’m not I’m not sure we’ll see what’s on the table, who’s hot at the time. And you know, I’m just always looking for the biggest and best fights. So, it doesn’t matter. Any weight class.
I think I would go into like a heavy lifting program because I’ve always been about cardio and like high interval training, you know, HIIT training. I think I would take a little like couple months, like two, three, four months to just really get on a good weight regimen to put muscle on it. And, you know, you want to get power, and you want to be strong at that weight class.
I know those guys are a lot slower. So that’s why guys that leave welterweight and they go to middleweight have so much success. You know, those guys like Robert Whittaker became champion, a guy like Sean Strickland who became a champion.
They leave welterweight where these guys are fast, they’ve good cardio. These are the best athletes on the planet in this weight class. So, they go up and they have so much success at middleweight because the middleweights are unathletic. They’re slow.
“Chaos” avslutar med att peka ut en potentiell motståndare vid en sådan flytt. Hans val landar på den topprankade Sean ”Tarzan” Strickland (29-6).
Sean Strickland fights. Always interesting. You know, he’s had his things to say about me in the past I don’t think he’s anything special. He’s got a jab, he’s got a front kick. But besides that, you shut those weapons down and he’s very limited. So, you know, he’s a cardio fighter. He’s just a cardio kickboxer, essentially. I don’t see any threats out of Sean Strickland. And it’s an entertaining fight that I might entertain in the future.